Note: This post is long overdue.

For the last year or so, I’ve been going through some major life changes. Part of me wants to pursue other passions than just teaching. I’ve been teaching since age 23. I know I’ll always been employable with my ESL (English as Second Language) teaching background all over the world, and I take comfort in this knowledge. As a result, I’ve tapped into my job as a safety net for myself and my family, which isn’t so good. I want to wake up with passion and excitement. I’ve lost that feeling over the years.

I’m scared. I’m really really scared to just pick up and leave so I can make room for the next important thing in my life. After all, I’ve got family responsibilities and obligations. So I combine the teaching with my #1 first love: the writing. But there’s so much anxiety and dread around staying in a job that becomes stagnant over time: the time consuming aspect of checking papers and planning lessons.

I know, just know, there is a much better path waiting for me.

For the first time in my life, I’ve come to a fire on my path. Just like the 19 year old in my memoir Accidental Soldier: A Memoir of Service and Sacrifice in the Israel Defense Forces who left home fearless and with courage, I need to reconnect to that excitement and passion all over again.

I am now mapping out a plan that will help me truly live out my passions. I’ve been mapping this for ages, but having the courage to try and make it logistically work is another story. I’m a parent of two young children so it’s not so easy for me to just pick up and leave. So I’ve been spending the last few days filling up my well with inspiration and creativity so I can embrace change with courage with a more positive mindset when I return from our San Diego vacation.

After all, courage is perserverance. You know, having the courage to make a change doesn’t always have to pinge on the financial. It’s a mindset issue for sure. Even with all my family obligations, what I’ve been doing for the past year has helped me move toward my goals for change and I can see my purpose being recognized. Here’s what I’ve been doing to map this change and build even further momentum:

1. Do something every day that fills you up with inspiration and empowerment. I’m on vacation right now in San Diego and every morning I go for an early bike ride and listen to the ocean waves as I meditate on the beach. Back home, I listen to ocean sounds on Youtube videos and I ride my bike. It’s challenging to find the right amount of time to do this while caring for a family, but I manage. This helps put me in touch with the right energies.

2. Spend time in a place that fills your well of creativity. I have come to the realization that where you live can impact your health, spirit and limit your creativity. There is nothing like the ocean and the valley of trees and flowers to ignite your creativity. I need change to inspire me. I am in search of that new energy. Lat night for example, I wrote down all the feelings that came up as a result of spending time in such an inspirational place. I intend to look at this entry again when the well becomes dry.

3.Write down what you want. There’s great empowerment in this tiny simple act. you’re validating what you want. Be utterly honest and ruthless about who you want to be and what you want to achieve. It takes great courage to write down what you want. It takes great courage to open yourself up to a new direction. I know many people who don’t take action on their desires. They die a slow death – with their passions inside of them.

4. Take action EVERY SINGLE DAY towards your goals. For me, writing essays and blog posts about my new direction of embracing courage is how I’m able to put my purpose into action. I also have been applying for writing jobs based on the kind of writing I enjoy doing including essays writing. If you’re an entrepreneur, make it a goal to network with other like minded professionals in your industry who can learn what you do and refer your services and work to others.

5. Keep an emotional journal. When are things aren’t working right? When are you veering off course? use your emotional journal to keep you connected to all those “feel-good” energies. Of course, things can’t be honkey dorey all the time (work is work, right?) but keep that precious balance in sight.

6. Pray and keep the faith through trust. When I hit a low spot or when doubts start taking over, I reconnect with my family, try and remind myself of what’s important in life and pray. I’m learning how to pray with a spiritual type mindset – something eminently religious. If you’re a prayer, then this might be a route for you.

7. Enlist support to keep you on track. I’m working out the logistics for hiring a coach, but there are writing groups and mastermind groups and critique groups. Like many people, I get stuck in my own head, and the experience can get very overwhelming. I need someone to validate the journey and help me troubleshoot during difficult times

Courage isn’t just bravery. It’s perseverance (and support) through every loophole you can possible imagine.

How have you used courage to make important and necessary life changes? What got in your way?