
Lessons from My Memoir on Serving in the Israel Defense Forces: How Cool Are You?

May 21st, 2015|new memoir, Uncategorized|

Just the other day I went to a networking event on a rooftop lounge known as Sky Bar in Pittsburgh. I felt antsy though prepared. It seemed as if everyone knew each other. Each person had a colored coded name tag for his/her industry and it seemed as if everyone was deep in chat. Who [...]

What Makes You Feel Emotionally Connected? Memoir of Serving in the Israel Defense Forces

July 10th, 2014|Uncategorized|

The difference in size between the US and Israel is what makes the culture in Israel so accessible. When I first had my taste of watching IDF soldiers hitchhike and entertained the possibility of volunteering for the service, what comforted me greatly, was how well these soldiers were integrated and that is attributed mainly to [...]