ex.D-SHADEのYUJIを中心に、ex.SCAR.のYU-YA、ex.DROWNING~後にSeptaluckに加入するKATらにより活動していたレトリックの会場限定CD+DVD作品CD2曲+2010.6.25OSAKA BIG CATでのライブDVDのセット。自主制作CDR+DVDR作品。帯新品時より無。美品
ACCEPT - Blind Rage - Amazon.com Music
Fédération Française d'Athlétisme
movies — BLOG — Jordan M. Poss
Shaking the Squid
Big Green Umbrella Media, Inc.
Alt/Indie | Waterloo Records
Alt/Indie | Waterloo Records
hardcore punk – David James Young
Screen Sound Journal n3
Cinema Retro
EXHUMED "Decayed Decades" ROTumentary on DVD and VHS
Alt/Indie | Waterloo Records
EXHUMED "Decayed Decades" ROTumentary on DVD and VHS
ACCEPT - Blind Rage - Amazon.com Music
Fédération Française d'Athlétisme
movies — BLOG — Jordan M. Poss
Shaking the Squid
Big Green Umbrella Media, Inc.
Alt/Indie | Waterloo Records
Alt/Indie | Waterloo Records
hardcore punk – David James Young
Screen Sound Journal n3
Cinema Retro
EXHUMED "Decayed Decades" ROTumentary on DVD and VHS
Alt/Indie | Waterloo Records
EXHUMED "Decayed Decades" ROTumentary on DVD and VHS